Kill Analytics is a chrome extension that runs in the background while you use the web.
When you visit a website, it sends a little extra data to the server which breaks that site's Web Analytics.
You can no longer be identified in any Web Analytics Platform, like Google Analytics. Your data is split, falsified, and combined with other users.
Advertisers have created a system to gather data from anywhere on the web. Take advantage of that and send False Data, without affecting your web browsing habits.
False Data is combined with the advertisers real data and renders almost their entire web analytics platform useless.
This chrome extension is a response to the everyday user's lack of voice. While a large portion of users don't agree with how advertisers track them, they don't have the power to stop it. Simply not using a platform is not enough to stop it. There is no outlet. Kill Analytics is the weapon to initiate a meaningful discussion - where advertisers and website owners don't hold all the power. The internet is still young, and if we want a brighter future we have to take action now.
Release: November 1,